Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Tollgate Fare

May 2001

Edited by Carl Zitzmann (117) czphoto@erols.com Web Site: www.tollgateway.org

Tollgate Parking Policy Announced

During recent meetings, the Board has discussed ongoing concerns about Tollgate residents' use of the two community parking pads and the several spaces at the end of Tollgate Way (hereafter referred to as Acommunity parking@). The Board has concluded that it would be in the best interests of the Association to adopt a policy relative to the use of these spaces.

The policy is intended to maximize residents' use of their own driveways and parking pads and minimize their use of community parking. All residents should utilize their own driveways and parking pads to the fullest extent possible and should use community parking only when there is no alternative.

After careful consideration, the Board adopted the policy below unanimously. Following past practice, we will rely on voluntary compliance, confident that our neighbors will respect that our decision was made with the best interests of the entire community in mind.

1. Community parking should be utilized only for visitors and the small number of Tollgate residents that have more than two vehicles. If a household has more than two vehicles, the residents in that household should utilize community parking as little as possible. Vehicles with the lowest level of utilization should be parked in the residents' garage, driveway or parking pad, while the vehicles that are used most frequently should be parked in community parking. This will allow others to use community parking while the vehicle is being driven elsewhere.

2. Residents should maximize utilization of their own garage, driveway and parking pad before using community parking. If the household has two cars and a driveway or parking pad, the residents of that household should use the driveway or parking pad for both cars.

3. Community parking is not to be used for community storage, that is, for parking vehicles that are not being used regularly. (i.e. vehicles belonging to or used by students who are attending school out of the area) Residents are expected to park these vehicles in their own garage, driveway or parking pad or to store them off site.

4. Given the fact that Tollgate Way is such a narrow street, residents and their guests should fully utilize their parking pad and driveway before parking on the street.

(Adopted by the Board of Directors on May 5, 2001. )

June Dates Set for Tollgate Garden Sale

The 2001 Spring Tollgate Association Garden sale will be held on June 16 and 17, the same dates as the Dulin Church sale across the street.. Each house will conduct its own sale. For those houses that may not have enough for a sale, you might wish to consider teaming with another house and have a combined sale. Karen and Kevin Stephenson have agreed to chair this ad hoc committee and will also have more details coming out soon. If you have questions or comments please contact Tony D'Ermes.

Re-landscaping of Tollgate Entrance Area Approved

At its May 5 meeting, the Board of Directors approved the amount of $6,000 to be spent on re-landscaping the entrance. Terry Zawacki will work with the landscape designers and also get another estimate to determine what work can be accomplished for that amount. Work will likely begin in late summer or early fall.

You are also asked to submit landscaping requests for your own residences so that the Board can begin to set priorities for summer and fall work. According to the policy the Board set last year, if your landscaping request is approved but is not determined to be a priority item, you are free to pay to have the work done yourself. However all landscaping work must be approved by the Landscape Committee. Submit requests in writing to Terry Zawacki at #113 before the end of May.

Change in Annual Dues Policy Announced

Although it has been recent practice to allow dues to be paid quarterly, according to the By-Laws the annual dues of $900.00 are due on January 31 of each year.

The Tollgate Board voted to go back to enforcing the annual payment of dues to ensure that the Association maintains a positive cash flow. However, the Board recognizes that this may be a change from what many people had budgeted for this year, so they have decided to use the remainder of 2001 as a transition period and continue to accept quarterly or semi-annual payments.

Edna Frady Appointed 
Tollgate Association's Official Archivist

The Board of Directors is happy to announce the appointment of Edna Frady as the Archivist for Tollgate Association.

Edna has been a resident of Tollgate from the very beginning of the development of this street over 20 years ago. She has been active in Association affairs as a member of the Board and a member of various committees. Moving here in April of 1978, shortly after construction began, Edna worked with her father, the late Donald Frady, who was responsible for all shrubs and trees that were planted throughout most of Tollgate's history.

Edna will be the repository for all official Association Records. In addition she will be responsible for advising the Board on matters of By-Laws and Covenants relating to the Association. At the moment, Edna will be a Aone person@ committee, however if she would need help, the Board is sure that responsible residents will volunteer to help her. The Board is most appreciative of Edna's agreeing to take on this voluminous job.

Board Requests Tollgate Resident's e-mail Addresses

The Board of Directors is asking all homeowners to provide the board with an e-mail address. These addresses will not be published on our web site without explicit permission, but would be used by the Board for notices and newsletter distribution. About half the residents have been added to the list, but a full list would be very helpful.

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