Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Tollgate Fare

January 2001

Edited by Carl Zitzmann (117) czphoto@erols.com              Web Site: www.tollgateway.org

Tentative Schedule for 2001 Set

The tentative schedule for Tollgate activities during the upcoming year was one of several items discussed January 13th at this year's first meeting of the Tollgate Association Board of Directors.

The Board agreed to continue to meet on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00am at a location to be determined. Please consult the Association's web site for timely updates.

Other tentative dates for future events being discussed are:

  • May 13 for the Spring Picnic on the parking pad between 106 and 108
  • May 19 - 20 for a neighborhood garage sale held at each residence. This will be timed to coincide with the similar event at the Dulin UM Church which has not been officially set yet.
  • July and August - no Board meetings.
  • October 14 for the Fall Picnic on the parking pad between 106 and 108.
  • November 11 for the Annual Meeting which is also the Board Meeting for the month. Time and place to be determined.
  • December 1 for the installation of Holiday decorations on the lampposts and gazebo.
  • December 9 is being discussed as a possible date for the Annual Holiday Party. More details in newsletters yet to come...
Snow Shoveling Help Available to Residents

In case we have, as some forecasters have predicted, an abmormal winter, we can expect to have a few good snowstorms over the course of the next few months.

While the Association takes care of the entrance area, individual homeowners are responsible for the clearing the sidewalk in front of their own residence.

In the neighborly spirit of the Tollgate community, all able residents are requested to help each other dig out. However, anyone who needs assistance with shoveling at rates to be negotiated, may call:

Colin or Maura Ehmer at 703-538-7308

Laura Kenney at 703-241-1304

Gretchen Powell at 703-538-0876

As in years past, the construction of snow persons will also remain each individual household's responsibility. Creativity with a sprinkling of humor is heartily encouraged. Now... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Treasurer's Report For 2000 Submitted

Association Treasurer Bob Donaldson reported on the final budget figures for the year 2000 at the January Board meeting. Total income for the year was about $25,000 and expenses were roughly $31,600.

The difference between the figures reflects added expenses for trees and grounds maintenance. Funding actually came from money which was not spent in these areas the previous year so the Association's economic health wasn't actually negatively affected. The full Treasurer's report can be found on the Tollgate Association web site.

Bob also pointed out that Association dues for 2001 are scheduled to be paid this month. Residents are urged to pay the entire year's dues of $900 this month if possible.

 Landscape Work Completed

Terry Zawacki reports that a contract has been signed with a new landscaping contractor, Curb Appeal. They are charging less than Living Colour but appear to provide the same overall level of service.

In the next few weeks Curb Appeal will be submitting several designs for redoing the entrance plantings. They will photograph the entrance and then use a computer graphics program to generate pictures of the possibilities. The design will cost $500. We have the option to contract with Curb Appeal for "seasonal plantings" at the Tollgate Way entrance, but the Landscaping Committee hopes to save money by enlisting a crew of residents to plant bulbs, geraniums, pansies, etc. appropriate to the season. Upcoming opportunities for you to volunteer to help out will be listed in the newsletter and through direct personal appeal. Be prepared.

Living Colour did the following work for us, based on the priority list developed from resident requests and available funding: #102- 4 new junipers; 104- one replacement. azalea; 107-109- 4 repl. azaleas; 111- remove juniper by garage; 113- repl. small tree; 116- 2 repl. azaleas; 122 and 133- removal of dying plants and replacement with Liriope; next to 135- stones for a path and remove dead pine. They also removed overgrown ivy and pruned some bushes. This work totaled $1,680.

Davey Tree performed the following work: 102- remove Bradford Pear tree and grind stump; 100- remove dead limbs from Norway Spruce; 103- elevate Sawtooth Oak; 109- remove deadwood from Red Oak; 110-112- remove deadwood from Silver Maple; 121- cable Bradford Pear; 131- remove dead White Pine & grind stump; 113 & 121- grind stumps; 135- remove broken limbs in Maple; remove nuisance Mulberry at end of street. This work cost the Association $2,665.

In addition, a very significant drainage problem behind units 114-122 was corrected by installing French drains. Bob Donaldson and Garry Sauner together contributed several thousands of dollars worth of work to this project which still cost approximately $1,400.

Tim McNamara Remembered

A contribution of $50.00 was made by the Tollgate Homeowners Association to the Hospice of Northern Virginia in recognition of assistance to the family of Tim McNamara (122) who passed away in December.

Beyer Family Honored

As reported in the December 28th Falls Church News-Press, the 2000 Virginia General Assembly unanimously approved a resolution which honored the memory of former Tollgate resident Nancy Beyer. A framed copy of the resolution was presented to Don Beyer, Sr. (105) by Delegate Bob Hull.

Leaf Raking Festival Held

Following Terry Zawacki's revelation at January's Board meeting that Living Colour would charge $375 to come back for another leaf removal, several Board members (and their invited guests) spent 2 2 hours raking up renegade leaves from all over the Tollgate property. You may have noticed the bags-full stored in the gazebo. Many thanks to all those who contributed their time and muscle.

Important Phone Numbers

Tony D'Ermes, President 703-536-2983

Joe Romer, Vice President 703-532-5074

Bob Donaldson, Treasurer 703-538-3610

Terry Zawacki, Board 703-532-8787

Ann-Catrine Ehmer, Secretary 703-538-7308

Terry Parsons, Architectural 703-533-1066

Carl Zitzmann, Newsletter 703-534-3151

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