Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Landscape Committee Update:

April 26, 2001

Dear Homeowners,

This letter is to let you know that the Board has given the go-ahead for redoing the landscaping at the front entrance to Tollgate.  The Landscape Committee contracted with Curb Appeal for a Williamsburg design; we are now working with Curb Appeal to modify the design they submitted. We hope to begin before the heat of summer makes planting unfeasible.  

The design Curb Appeal submitted calls for taking out the existing shrubberies and putting in weeping yews, some hollies, and assorted perennials that bloom at different times in Spring, Summer, and Fall.  The Landscape Committee will do seasonal plantings of annuals ourselves.  In Spring, for example, we will have daffodils, tulips, and pansies at the entrance to be replaced by geraniums and petunias and so on.

Being mindful of budget considerations, we plan to have the planting done in increments, beginning with the weeping yews, hollies, and some of the perennials.  The rest of the area will be mulched and planted gradually. If you have suggestions or questions or would like to see the plan, please call Terry Zawacki, Chair of Landscaping at 532-8787 in the evening.  

As we do every year, we are also asking you to submit landscaping requests for your own residences so that we can begin to set priorities for summer and fall work.  According to the policy the Board set last year, if your landscaping request is approved but is not determined to be a priority item, you are free to pay to have the work done yourself.  We reiterate, however, that all work must be approved by the Committee. Submit requests in writing to Terry Zawacki at #113.  The Committee will meet to prioritize requests at the end of May or beginning of June.    


The Landscape Committee

ADDENDUM: At its May 5 meeting, the Board approved the amount of $6000 to be spent on re-landscaping the entrance.  Terry will work with the landscape designers and also get another estimate to determine what work can be accomplished for that amount.  Work will likely begin in late summer or early fall.   

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