Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Landscape Committee Update:

Here are the minutes for the last landscape committee meeting:


Kathy Doherty and Terry will co-chair. Marcia Dougherty and Julie McNamara will be asked to join the committee. Karen Stephensen said she doesn't have time to be on the committee but will always be happy to help us with the physical labor.

I spoke to Flores about the muddy spot by the gazebo. I asked them to cover it all with mulch, which they did. Now we'll need to figure out what, if anything, we want to plant there. Daffodils alongside the gazebo might be an option. Or more Stella d'Oro lillies. We have another similar muddy spot by the Linden tree and Jim Guyette's side area.

I spole to Flores about not moving Rifkin's back yard. Showed them again where the common property ends.

Landscaping needs:

o Plantings for the beds by Donaldson's and the gazebo.

o Right side of Edna's house (when facing the house) needs to be replanted.

o Romers have a dead yew that needs to be removed. I suggest we fill in the foundation planting with otto luyken laurels. I spoke to Teresa about taking out the other yew behind the azaleas and she would be happy to have it removed.

o We need replacement trees for trees that were removed behind Donaldson's and in Don Beyer's front yard.

o The cypress bushes we planted by the fence behind the Smolinski's are not doing well. I looked at them and two seem to be okay but one is probably dead and the other dying. We might take out the two that are on their last legs and try transplanting them.


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