Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Minutes of the Tollgate Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Saturday July 7, 2001

The meeting was held at the residence of Joe Romer. It started at 9:10 am. Present were Bob Donaldson, Joe Romer, Terry Zawacki, and Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Bob Donaldson reported on the budget, which is posted on the Website.
A statement of year-to-date homeowner payments for the twenty-nine households was distributed. It indicated that all but five households have paid the entire dues for this year.


As has been done in previous years,  homeowners submitted requests for landscape work to the Landscape committee last May. The Committee met and prioritized the requested work. Terry Zawacki informed the Board that Curb Appeal submitted a proposal for $1300 for the work. The board approved this sum. All work that will be contracted this summer and fall was outlined in a letter from the Landscape Committee on June 20, 2001, and distributed to each household.


Bob Donaldson said that the estimate for removal of the four diseased Austrian pines is $1000. The Board is awaiting a proposal for appropriate replacement trees before removing the pines. A consultant from Tyson’s Tree/Curb Appeal will assess the tree situation outside each home to see which trees require pruning.

Old Business

The drainage problem outside residence # 121 can be taken care of at an estimated cost of $1230. However, before the Board approves this sum, Board members will check whether there are other similar problems to address.

Regarding adding a Director’s Liability to the already existing insurance policy, the Board decided to further investigate different options, as the quotation received was higher than expected.

Bob Donaldson has the e-mail address to twenty-five households. These homeowners will receive the Board meeting minutes by e-mail. A hard copy of the minutes will be distributed to the households which are not on the e-mail list.

Other Business

In preparation for the annual Association meeting in November, the Board discussed procedures for nominating and electing Board officers. The Board will look into the By-Laws regarding serving terms. There is a likelihood of one vacancy on the Board for next year.  

There will be no Board meeting in August as a majority of the board members will be unavailable.

The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 8, at 9 am, at Bob Donaldson’s house.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 am. 

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