Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Minutes of the Tollgate Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Saturday June 2, 2001

The meeting was held at the residence of Tony D’Ermes. It started at 9:05am. Present were Tony D’Ermes, Bob Donaldson, Joe Romer, and Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Bob Donaldson distributed a statement of year-to-date homeowner payments for the twenty-nine households. Twenty-one households have paid the entire dues for this year and eight households have paid through the second quarter. The treasurer also reported on the budget, which is posted on the Website.


One homeowner reported to a board member that squirrels have come into the dormers of the house, probably as a result of trees growing too close to the house. It was suggested that Davy Tree should assess the tree situation outside each home to see which trees require pruning.

The board discussed various options for cleaning the gutters of the houses and decided to seek quotations from a couple of companies.

The Board approved the recommendation that three pine trees on the common ground  between houses # 118 and 122 and one pine tree between # 109 and 111 be removed and replaced with appropriate trees.

Parking Policy

The Board discussed the result of the parking policy, which was published in the May Newsletter, posted on the Website and distributed to every household. There are still concerns that the policy is not being respected. The Board will follow up on this issue.

Other Business

The Board noted that the last increase of the Association’s dues was on January 1, 1997. It was then increased 25%, from $60 to $75 per month.  Due to inflation over the last four years, the Board discussed a modest increase of dues. However, no proposal was made.

The Tollgate picnic, on the parking pad between 106 and 108, will be on Sunday June 10, at 5:00pm. 

Karen and Kevin Stephenson will chair the annual Tollgate garage sale, which coincides with the Dulin yard sale on June 16.

The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday July 7, at 9am, at Joe Romer’s house.

The meeting adjourned at 10:05am.

Tollgate Home