Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Minutes of the Tollgate Homeowners Association Board Meeting


Saturday May 5, 2001

The meeting was held at Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer’s residence. It started at 9:05am and present were Tony D’Ermes, Bob Donaldson, Joe Romer, Terry Zawacki, and Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer.

1. Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer reported on the budget and informed the board that his calculations showed that taking the normal expenses and expected income into consideration, there should be a surplus of $18,000 at the end of the year.  Twenty households have paid their dues for the entire year.
Bob received one negative phone call about the change of policy regarding the payment of the Association fee. He pointed out again that, according to the Association’s by-laws, the annual fee is due by January 31 of each year.  He reported on the status of the CDs owned by the Association.  The treasurer’s report will be posted on the Association’s web site.

2. Landscape

Curb Appeal’s proposed amount for the landscaping design of the Tollgate entrance was $8000. After some debate the majority of the board voted for $6000.  Ann-Catrine asked if there was a $ limit on the board’s authority to approve projects without asking for a vote of the Association. Bob suggested that this should be brought up during the next general meeting. Terry will contact Garden World and Merrifield Garden to see what they can offer for the approved sum. Thus the actual landscaping is expected to start in the fall.  Terry will write an addendum to the letter of April 26, 2001, from the Landscape Committee, informing the homeowners that the board approved up to $6000 to be spent on the landscaping project. The letter as well as the addendum will be posted on the web-site.

3.  Parking Policy

Joe redrafted the proposed parking policy and it was approved by all Board members. The final policy will be published in the Newsletter and on the web-site.

4. Proposal by Star Power

Bob Donaldson has received a proposal from Star Power to wire the Tollgate property for Telephone, Cable TV and Internet services. The cable would run behind the properties around Tollgate. The installation of the wire will be free of charge. Star Power will then try to sell their services to individual property owners. Star Power will be responsible for the project and will coordinate the work with Cox Cable to avoid cutting into any already existing cables. The board approved this proposal.

5.   Other Business

Bob and Ann-Catrine stressed the importance of acknowledging receipt of  correspondence with the board, as one association member had addressed the board with a letter on the parking policy, and had not received an answer. However, the issue was discussed at the last two board meetings and a draft of the policy was in the minutes, which were posted on the web-site.

Tony is going to ask the Newsletter publisher Carl Zitzmann to solicit information from the homeowners so a Newsletter can be published on a monthly basis.

The Newsletter will include a reminder that the minutes of all board meetings and treasurer’s reports are posted on the web site (tollgateway.org). Members who do not have access to the Internet should contact Ann-Catrine for a hard copy. Those homeowners who would like to receive the minutes by e-mail should give their e-mail addresses to Ann-Catrine. The e-mail addresses would only be used for this purpose and not be placed in the web-site directory.

Joe suggested that the Association consider purchasing an insurance policy covering the Board for any potential financial liability relating to their service on the Board. Bob will look into adding Director’s Liability to the existing policy. Assuming the cost will be minimal, Bob will upgrade the current policy, otherwise he will bring it back to the board for further action.

Tony asked that the Architectural Committee present a written policy to the Board on criteria and procedures to be followed.   Ann-Catrine informed the Board that the Architectural Committee held a meeting on April 17, 2001, and is now working on a format for Architectural Criteria for the Association. 

The Architectural Committee was asked to look into the condition of the lamp posts on Tollgate Way as several of them have started to deteriorate.
The Board discussed architectural features not in compliance with Williamsburg design and there was a discussion about the By-Laws provision that a lien could be put on the properties, prior to sale, if features are not in compliance. 

Bob reported that the Snowcloud Service Berry tree that initially was chosen to be planted outside property # 102 is out of stock, and Curb Appeal is waiting for its availability.

The next board meeting will take place on June 2, 2001, at 9:00am, in Tony D’Ermes house.
The meeting adjourned at 10.25am.

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