Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Minutes of the Tollgate Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Tuesday,  April 3, 2001  8pm

In attendance: Bob Donaldson, Joe Romer, Terry Zawacki
Anki Ehmer out of town & Tony D'Ermes out for surgery 

First order of business was a discussion of the landscaping design and proposal submitted by Curb Appeal.  The Board had questions about how much of the budget could be spend on a major project like this one without soliciting the will of the community. We wanted to know what the by-laws say about one-time  allocations of resources and whether it might be advisable to ask for a one-time special assessment. We also questioned how long it had been since the homeowner's dues had been increased. Joe said he would ask Edna about when dues were last
increased and would also read the by-laws to see what they said on these questions.  The Board also discussed how much of the budget surplus might be put toward a special project such as this one.

The second item of business was the parking policy. Joe will redraft the proposed policy with the Board's suggestions for revision and send it out again for approval.

A third item on the agenda was the schedule for paying dues. We discussed when we should put into effect the policy that all dues must be paid by January 31 for the full year and decided that January 2002 was reasonable. The by-laws call for the full amount to paid by January 31, but, somewhere along the line, the policy was altered informally to allow quarterly payments. Quarterly payments consume a great deal of the treasurer's time, requiring him to send out multiple reminders, collect back dues, make multiple trips to the bank. One annual payment also gives the community more flexibilty for special allocations because interest is earned on a much larger balance.

It was announced that Karen and Kevin Stephenson have agreed to chair the annual Tollgate garage sale which coincides with the Dulin yard sale on June 16.

The Board approved the Treasurer's report and talked about the mechanism for going to the residents to ask for a dues increase and/or special assessments for capital improvements.

The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed and approved and will be send out by the Secretary Anki Ehmer when she returns from vacation.

Submitted by Terry Zawacki

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