Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Minutes of the Tollgate Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Saturday March 3, 2001

The meeting began at approximately 9am with four Board members in attendance: Tony D'Ermes, Joe Romer, Bob Donaldson and Terry Zawacki.

Treasurer Donaldson distributed a statement of year-to-date homeowner dues payments.  As provided in the bylaws, a majority of households have paid their entire 2001 yearly dues of $900.  Henceforth, the Board will expect all households to pay their dues for the entire year in January.  In those cases where cash flow issues or hardship may preclude full payment in January,. a waiver may be extended by submitting a written request to the Treasurer.  Any such request will be deemed confidential by the Board and will be handled in a manner sensitive to the residents' privacy.

The Treasurer submitted three other reports: Net Worth (assets and liabilities), Income and Expenses, and a Budget Status Report.  All are posted on the Association's Website.  Bob Donaldson was commended for his contribution in developing and maintaining the Website, which is a valuable asset to the community.  He indicated that most of our expenses thus far in 2001 have been for landscaping.

The Board discussed ongoing concerns about Tollgate residents' use of the two community parking pads and the several parking spaces at the end of Tollgate Way (hereafter referred to as "community parking").  The Board concluded that it would be in the best interests of the Association to adopt a Board policy relative to the use of these spaces.

Accordingly, the Board adopted the following parking provisions:

1. Community parking is to be utilized only for visitors and the small number of Tollgate households that have more than two vehicles.

2. Residents should maximize utilization of their own garage, driveway, and parking pad before using community parking.  This means that if you have a driveway and two cars, you will be expected to use the driveway, as opposed to community parking, for parking both cars.

3. Community parking is not to be used for vehicle storage, that is for parking vehicles that are not being used regularly by residents. (i.e. students who are attending school out of the area)  Residents are expected to find off-site storage space for these vehicles. 

4.  Given the fact that Tollgate Way is such a narrow street, residents and their guests will be asked to fully utilize their parking pads and driveways before parking on the street.

The Board discussed landscaping.  A Snowcloud Service Berry will be planted in the Spring to replace the Bradford Pear in front of Edna's that we lost last year.  Curb Appeal replaced Living Color as our landscape company effective January 1, 2001.  Their landscape designer will provide a design for the Tollgate entrance.  We expect to spend about $500 for the design and a minimum of $3,000 for the landscaping itself.  Bob Donaldson, this year's leading candidate for MVP, plans to prepare a plat of all the trees in Tollgate and to see to it that plaques are placed on all unusual trees.

The Board recognized the need to designate one resident to be Tollgate's archivist.  Edna Frady was identified as the best person for that job.  Tony will ask her if she can accept that responsibility.

Tony showed the Board some options for placing numbers on houses.  The Board decided to take the matter under advisement while it considers what format would provide the best value and at the same time conform to the overall aesthetics of Tollgate.

Tony suggested that we coordinate our Spring garage sale with Dulin Methodist Church's sale.  Eula Bond will be asked to coordinate.

The next meeting is scehduled for 9am at Terry Zawacki's house.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15am, 15 minutes later than President D'Ermes target of one hour Board meetings, but at a reasonable hour nonetheless.

Tollgate Home