Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Minutes of the Tollgate Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Saturday December 2, 2000

The meeting was held at Tony D’Ermes residence at 9.00am. Present were Tony D’Ermes, Bob Donaldson, Joe Romer, Terry Zawacki, and Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer.  Carl Zitzmann was invited but did not attend.

1.  Election of Officers

The board elected Joe Romer as vice president and Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer as secretary. Tony D’Ermes is the President and Bob Donaldson, Treasurer.

2.  Holiday Party

Terry Parsons has offered to have the Christmas party in his home on Sunday, December 17. Time to be announced.

3.  Holiday Decorations

The Christmas decoration of lampposts and gazebo will take place on Saturday, December 9. The decoration will start at 9.00 am and volunteers will meet in the gazebo area. Joe Romer will get information from Edna Frady where the garlands and Christmas tree were bought in previous years. Further information will go out in the Newsletter.

4.  Other Business

Tony D’Ermes, Bob Donaldson, Joe Romer, Terry Zawacki and Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer signed bank signature documents authorizing them to be signatories on the Association’s checking account.

The Newsletter will be published and distributed monthly.

An electronic copy of the minutes from the Board Meetings will be forwarded to Bob Donaldson to be published on the Tollgate Association Web Site.

Landscaping: Terry Zawacki, reported that Living Color has now finished its contract. She will check whether the leaves have been picked up 1 or 2 times.
Tony mentioned the importance of verifying that the work has been done according to the contract.
Terry said that the Curb Appeal contract has been signed. It will be decided if we want 12 or 10- month billing cycle.

As all plants and bushes are very expensive, through the contractor, the idea was raised that maybe in the future, to lower costs, there could be a spring planting day when association members help plant certain flowers and bushes under the direction of the Landscaping Committee. 

Trees: Bob Donaldson informed the Board that on December 14 and 15 Davey Tree will remove three trees, Bradford Pear in front of property #102, White Pine behind property #131 and Mulberry in front of # 135 but actually in adjoining yard. Bob will verify with neighbor his approval of the tree removal.  During theses two days trimming and pruning of trees on the common ground will also take place.
Bob also pointed out the importance of spraying and fertilizing the trees so they remain healthy.

Bob mentioned that a White Pine between his property # 118 and the McNamara’s # 122 has grown too big for the site and should be removed. This will be done at Bob’s expense. Terry asked Bob to submit a letter to the Landscaping Committee for approval. The Board has approved contingent upon the approval of the Landscaping Committee.

5.   Date, time and place time for next meeting

It was decided that in the future the Board Meeting will rotate between the different board members’ houses. It will be held on the first Saturday every month except for the January meeting, which will take place on Saturday January 13, 2001, at Joe Romer’s home. 

The meeting was adjourned at 10.10am.

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