Falls Church, Virginia 22046

Minutes of the Tollgate Association Board Meeting

Saturday October 5, 2001

The meeting was held at the residence of Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer. It started at 9:05 am. Present were Bob Donaldson, Joe Romer, Terry Zawacki, and Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer. 

Treasurers Report 

Treasurer Bob Donaldson reported on the budget which is posted on the website.

Taking the normal expenses and expected income into consideration, there should be a surplus of approximately $ 12,500 at the end of the year.


The Landscape Committee is pleased with the result of the Tollgate front entrance project, which is now completed.

As the Landscape Committee is not satisfied with Curb Appeal, the present landscape company, the Committee has been in contact with a number of different landscape companies and is now awaiting their proposals. The Curb Appeal contract will expire in the end of December 2001 and the Committee hopes to have a new contract in place by January 2002.  The leading candidate is Flores Landscaping, who currently manage Wren’s Way. 


Arborist John Tribbitt met with Bob Donaldson. A number of trees are in decline, and the arborist will give a five-year plan regarding the treatment of these trees. 


The parking policy published by the Board earlier this year will once again be published in the Newsletter as there are still concerns that the policy is not being respected. Last May the parking policy was published in the Newsletter, posted on the Website and distributed to every household. The Board would like once again to ask members to please respect the policy, as the limited parking spaces must be used in a way that all could benefit.


Fall Picnic: The fall picnic on Sunday, October 14 is being prepared.

Christmas Party: Place, date, and time to be announced.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Tollgate Association will be held on Sunday, December 2, 2001 at 102 Tollgate Way at 5 pm. This meeting will also be considered a “Special Meeting” under the By-laws.

The Board discussed a pending By-law amendment carried over from the November 2000 Annual Meeting due to lack of a quorum. The amendment to be voted upon is an addition to the Architectural Control Committee regarding the handling of requests from homeowners to the Architectural Committee.

The Board also reviewed proposals to amend some of the other By-Laws and a proposal to increase the Homeowner dues over a 3 year period.  These proposals and proxies for the Annual Meeting will be distributed by the end of October and Board Members will follow up with each homeowner to answer questions and collect proxies for those who will not be able to attend the Annual Meeting.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 3, 2001, at Terry Zawacki’s home.

The meeting adjourned at 10:55am.

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