Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Minutes of the Tollgate Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Saturday January 13, 2001

The meeting was held at Joe Romer’s residence. Present were Tony D’Ermes, Bob Donaldson, Joe Romer, Terry Zawacki, Carl Zitzmann, and Ann-Catrine Skoog Ehmer.

1.    Treasurer’s Report

Bob Donaldson reported on the budget with a total income of $25,543.74 from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000.  The total expense during that period was $31,687.25.   The amount of $6143.54 was overspent, due to added expenses for trees and ground maintenance, but this was paid for from the previous year’s surplus.
The treasurer’s report will be posted on the Association’s web site. 

Bob Donaldson said that according to the by-laws, the Association fee is due in full on January 31 each year. As it has been customary over the years to pay on a quarterly basis,
Homeowners will be able to continue to do so in the future. However, it is still recommended that the total Association fee be paid in January.

2.    Landscape Committee Report


Living Color has completed its contract. The new contract signed with Curb Appeal is $12,590 per year.

Living Color finished the required 2 leaf pick-ups. Unfortunately, after the last pick-up more leaves fell and Terry Zawacki asked Curb Appeal about the cost of an extra clean up. As this would amount to $375 some of the board members volunteered, after the board meeting, to rake the grounds and bag the leaves outside the following houses #106, 104, 102, and 101. 

Terry Zawacki will write a detailed account of the landscaping work so the community can see the progress and the cost. This will be published in the newsletter.

Snow Removal: 

Colin Ehmer was asked, and agreed, to shovel the sidewalk in front of the two Tollgate houses facing Broad Street and the beginning of the sidewalk on Tollgate Way.
He will record the time and submit it to the treasurer. Payment will be made at a rate of  $15.00 per hour.
Each homeowner is responsible for clearing the sidewalk in front of the house. It was suggested that the Tollgate newsletter list the names and telephone numbers of Tollgate children who could be contacted if anyone needs assistance with shoveling the snow.   Each individual resident should decide on appropriate payment for any work done.

The stumps where the three trees were removed last December must still be removed. The drainage work has been done outside house # 122.
The dogwood outside house # 113 has been replaced with a Red Bud.
In the spring a tree will be planted outside house # 102 to replace the one that fell down.
The Bradford Pear, outside house # 114, has been cabled and some limbs have been cut. According to the arborist from Davey Tree the tree is good for a few more years.

3.    New Business

Tony D’Ermes has prepared a schedule for board meetings and special events for 2001. It will be posted on the web site. Most of the dates are set but there are some still to be determined. 

Carl Zitzmann will announce in the newsletter that the board is meeting on the first Saturday of every month, at 9.00 am. The meetings will rotate between the board members. 

Tony D’Ermes reported that Tom Nasiatka contacted the Falls Church Public Works Department about our street lighting. He received and reviewed the Falls Church outdoor lighting code. No changes are recommended for Tollgate at this time. Presently there are three 60-W bulbs in each lamp, 180 watts per lamppost. Tony D’Ermes has the city’s policy on outdoor lighting if someone would be interested in reading it. 
Over the years some lampposts (the glass part) have deteriorated and are now rather loose which make them wobble when it is windy. Terry Zawacki suggested that Tom Nasiatka be asked to check how many lampposts are in bad shape. Tony D’Ermes mentioned the replacement of a lamppost would cost approximately $1,000.

Tony D’Ermes is going to obtain a picture of a wooden oval plaque on which numbers are engraved. These plaques could be used as house numbers and add a very nice touch to the houses on Tollgate. If, in the future, the house numbers should be changed, the cost will be born by the Association.

Tony D’Ermes mentioned that he has an album of pictures of Tollgate Way, which he will give to Bob Donaldson to add to the web site.

The Board was in favor of Bob Donaldson’s suggestion to open a money market checking account where 2,5% interest will be earned instead of 1/2% with the present account.
All board members signed a bank signature document authorizing them to be signatories on the new checking account.

The next meting will take place on February 3, 2001, at 9:00am, in Bob Donaldson’s home.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am. 

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